Veterinary Encyclopedia

Veterinary Encyclopedia

Your Comprehensive Guide to Pet Health and Care

Welcome to our comprehensive veterinary encyclopedia that every pet owner should know. Understanding these terms can significantly enhance your ability to provide quality care for your beloved pets. Whether you’re encountering symptoms like abdominal breathing and blepharospasm or seeking information on conditions such as cataracts and entropion, our detailed explanations aim to offer clarity and valuable insights.

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In this veterinary encyclopedia, you’ll find a wealth of information covering a wide range of topics essential for pet health. From diagnosing common ailments to understanding complex congenital conditions, our resources aim to empower you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about your pet’s well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or new to caring for animals, exploring this resource can deepen your understanding and help you navigate veterinary care more effectively.

Each entry in our veterinary encyclopedia provides informative and accessible explanations that demystify veterinary terminology. Whether you’re researching preventive measures, symptoms of potential health issues, or treatment options, our goal is to support you in maintaining your pet’s health and happiness throughout their life.

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Our dedicated team is here to answer your questions and provide personalized guidance based on your pet’s unique needs. Together, let’s embark on a journey of understanding and proactive pet care through our comprehensive veterinary encyclopedia.

Veterinary Encyclopedia

Abdominal breathing involves abnormal use of abdominal muscles to move air in and out of the lungs, often resulting from respiratory diseases or infections.

Abdominal effusion occurs when fluid accumulates around vital organs in the abdomen, commonly associated with serious conditions such as liver disease, cancer, or heart disease, and sometimes caused by viral or bacterial infections.

Ablepharia is a congenital condition characterized by partial or complete absence of eyelids.

Anosomia refers to the loss of sense of smell.

Arthrodesis is the surgical fusion of adjacent bones in a joint to immobilize it.

Arthrogryposis is marked by persistent flexion of a joint.

Balanoposthitis is inflammation of the penis and prepuce.

Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids.

Blepharospasm involves abnormal contraction of eyelid muscles, causing blinking, squinting, and eyelid closure. This condition often results in redness, swelling, and itching of the affected eye.

Bradycardia refers to a slower-than-normal heart rate.

Bradypnea is characterized by a slower-than-normal breathing rate.

Buphthalmos is the abnormal enlargement of an eye, often due to conditions like glaucoma.

Blepharospasm is the involuntary squinting, blinking, or closure of the eyelids due to various causes.

Carnassial teeth are specialized upper fourth premolar and lower first molar teeth in dogs and upper third premolar and lower first molar teeth in cats, crucial for shearing food.

Cataract occurs when the eye lens becomes cloudy or opaque, typically associated with aging but also influenced by medical conditions like diabetes mellitus.

Chalazion is a firm, cyst-like swelling on upper or lower eyelids due to tarsal gland duct occlusion, potentially leading to gland swelling and rupture, and causing a granulomatous reaction.

Chemosis is marked by edema and swelling of the conjunctiva.

Choristoma (Heterotopic Tissue) occurs when normal soft tissue grows or forms a nodule in an area where it typically doesn’t belong. This benign growth develops in anatomical locations where such tissue is not usually found.

Coloboma is a congenital condition where normal eye tissue, such as the eyelid, fails to form properly. In dogs, iris coloboma is a recognized variation.

Coupage involves chest percussion to aid in secretion removal.

Dacryocystitis is inflammation or infection of the lacrimal sacs.

Diarthrodial joint refers to a synovial joint, the most mobile type in the body.

Diascopy involves pressing a clear glass over a red skin lesion to assess vascular response, helping differentiate vascular engorgement from hemorrhage in the skin.

Distichiasis occurs when abnormal eyelashes grow from the meibomian gland and contact the surface of the eyeball.

Dyscoria refers to an abnormal shape of the pupils.

Enophthalmos is the backward displacement of the eyeball into the orbit.

Enthesophytes are abnormal bony projections at the attachment of ligaments or tendons.

Entropion is the inward rolling or inversion of the eyelid, which can cause irritation and damage to the cornea.

Enucleation involves the removal of the entire eyeball.

Epiphora refers to eyes that are excessively watery.

Epispadias is a rare developmental abnormality where the urethra opens dorsally and caudally to its normal location, primarily found in females.

Exophytic Tumors grow outward from the surface epithelium where they originate. These tumors expand beyond their tissue of origin, and their outward growth can impact treatment and prognosis.

Exotropia is a form of strabismus where both eyes turn outward.

Faucitis is inflammation of the throat (pharyngitis).

Jaundice occurs when the skin and mucous membranes turn yellow due to an increased amount of bilirubin in the blood and tissues.

Hypertelorism is an increased distance between two body parts, typically the eye orbits.

Hypospadias is a developmental abnormality where the urethra opens ventrally and caudally to its normal location, affecting both males and females.

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) or “dry eye” is inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva due to inadequate tear production.

Kussmaul breathing is a distressing dyspnea characterized by labored breathing occurring in paroxysms.

Lagophthalmos refers to the inability to close the eyelids completely. This inability can cause dry eyes and corneal damage, as the eyes are left exposed and unprotected.

Lordosis refers to a downward curvature of the spine in small animals.

Myoclonus involves repetitive rhythmic contractions of a group of muscles.

Nociceptor is a receptor for pain that is stimulated by injury.

Odynophagia refers to painful swallowing.

Onychitis (Onychia) is inflammation in the claw unit.

Onycholysis is the separation of the nail or claw from the nail bed.

Onychorrhexis is the alternating thickening and thinning along the length of the nail or claw, often leading to splitting.

Onychodystrophy is the abnormal formation of claws.

Onychomadesis is the detachment or shedding of the proximal nail plate from the nail bed.

Ophthalmia is severe inflammation of the eye.

Ophthalmia Neonatorum occurs as purulent conjunctivitis within the first 19 days of life in puppies and kittens before their eyelids open, often caused by the feline herpes virus in kittens.

Oroantral fistula is a communication between the oral cavity and the caudal respiratory tract.

Osteochondrosis is characterized by abnormal differentiation and ossification of growth cartilages, a developmental disease.

Osteopenia results from reduced bone mass due to decreased osteoid synthesis rate.

Paronychia is an infection of the toenails and surrounding tissue.

Pectus excavatum is a congenital deformity where the sternum and caudal ribs are concave, reducing the thoracic cavity.

Polytocous refers to giving birth to many offspring at one time.

Priapism is the persistent abnormal erection.

Proper ligament is a fold of peritoneum that unites ovaries to the uterus or testis to the epididymis.

Proptosis, also known as exophthalmos, is the forward displacement of the eye.

Ptosis is the drooping of the upper eyelids, a common sign of Horner’s syndrome.

Root signature causes pain down a limb, leading to lameness or elevation of the limb, typically due to an extruded intervertebral disc.

Slab fracture occurs when a flat piece of underlying bone or tooth separates or is lost.

Stertor results from low-pitched snoring. The vibration of flaccid tissue or fluid from pharyngeal airway obstruction can cause Stertor.

Stridor produces high-pitched sounds from rigid tissues vibrated by air passing through a collapsed trachea or partial laryngeal obstruction, often occurring in diabetic acidosis.

Stokes-Adams attack is unconsciousness or syncope caused by heart block and ventricular asystole, resulting in inadequate blood flow to the brain and cerebral ischemia.

Symblepharon is the adhesion of the eyeball to the eyelid.

Synechia refers to adhesion, such as the adhesion of the iris to the cornea or lens.

Tachycardia is a faster-than-normal heart rate.

Tachypnea is a faster-than-normal breathing rate.

Torticollis is a sustained twisting of the neck to one side, caused by asymmetrical tension in the neck muscles.

Torsion is the rotation of an internal organ or part of it on its long axis, which can compromise the blood vessels supplying perfusion to the organ.

Trachyonychia is the rough, textured surface on nails or claws.

Trichiasis occurs when misdirected eyelashes or facial hairs contact the cornea or eyeball, causing discomfort.

Vestibular disease results in neurological signs like ataxia, head tilt, falling, rolling, circling, and abnormal nystagmus. The vestibular system plays a major role in maintaining balance by helping control and adjust the position of the eyes, head, and body through sensing gravity.

Von Willebrand’s disease is the most common bleeding disorder in dogs because they lack a specific protein.

Water Hammer pulse is a pulse in which the artery suddenly and markedly distends and then suddenly collapses, occurring in patent ductus arteriosus. Another name for this is Corrigan’s pulse, jerky or B-B shot pulse.

Xerosis refers to abnormal dryness of the skin (Xerosis Cutis), eye (Xerophthalmia), or oral mucous membrane (Xerostomia).